How To Store Drone Batteries

How To Store Drone Batteries

The Complete Guide

It's critical to keep your drone batteries charged, stored and maintained correctly to avoid any unexpected issues while flying.

Main Tips

  • Make sure batteries are stored away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

  • Do not keep in areas where it can become very hot or very cold depending on the time of day, such as cars.

  • Check to see whether your craft and batteries have the most recent software update.

  • Batteries should be discharged to 25% capacity for long-term storage (if you will not be flying for a month or longer) 

  • Batteries should be discharged to 50% capacity for short-term storage (if you plan to fly in the coming weeks) 

  • It is recommended to fully charge your batteries every three months to maintain optimal capacity.

  • Do not charge drone batteries at temperatures other than those specified.

In recent years, drone batteries have improved drastically in terms of longevity, charge capacity and general safety. Despite considerable advancements in battery technology, it is important to take the necessary precautions to extend the battery's life and safeguard your sky-high investment.

Usage Tips

Below is a list of general pointers and guidance when using batteries in your drone.

  • Before you take off with your new drone, it's critical that you read the documentation for your batteries and grasp the fundamental operations.

  • You should only fly your drone if the battery is charged and securely fastened, so be sure you verify this during your pre-flight inspections

  • Never install or take a battery out when the aircraft is turned on.

  • Flying fast, such as in sports modes, will quickly deplete your power, therefore it's best to fly slowly to avoid overworking your batteries.

  • This relates to storage; flying in cold or warm areas may harm your batteries and reduce their lifespan and capacity.

  • If you have numerous batteries for your drone, it is critical that you rotate them to extend their life.

What to do if a battery is damaged?

This is common sense, but do not attempt to fly a drone with a battery that is swollen or leaking. This might lead to a drone accident or potential fire. It's not worth taking the chance. What is the more expensive option? Is it time for a new drone or a fresh battery? If the battery shows symptoms of swelling or damage, it must be discarded safely and correctly.

If your battery has come into contact with water, do not use it again. Allow the battery to dry completely before discarding it. When flying in foggy or misty conditions, water contamination on your aircraft and batteries is a possibility, so take extra care. Certain drones can survive a certain amount of rain, as seen by their IP certification.

If a fire breaks out, do not put it out with water; this will just spread the flames more. Instead, please use a fire extinguisher, fire blanket or sand. When leaving batteries to charge unattended, some people throw a plastic bag of sand on top of them. If the bag breaks, the sand will fall on the battery, extinguishing it.

How Do I Safely Charge My Battery?

Make sure you're charging your battery with the genuine battery charger that comes with it. Third-party chargers will never match the quality of the originals. This is because manufacturers have invested more money in research and development as well as testing to guarantee that their products are safe.

Every battery has a different temperature at which it may be charged. This information is included in the user handbook. Also, when you've finished flying, don't charge the battery. Allow the battery to cool completely before charging it again. LEDs on batteries indicate the percentage of charge remaining. There will be four lights in all.