4 Years Of The Drone Safe Store

4 Years Of The Drone Safe Store

We Recently Celebrated Our 4th Birthday!

Last weekend marked a significant milestone for us - our 4th birthday celebration! It all began on May 25th, 2020, when our CEO, Mark Boyt, launched the Drone Safe Store as the next chapter in the Drone Safe journey.

After establishing the nation's largest network of licensed certified drone operators for hire, winning support on BBC's Dragons’ Den, and advocating for the drone industry, many were curious about our next move. The answer? Drone Safe Store.

Our Growth Journey

When Drone Safe Store first took flight, we operated from humble beginnings with just a few shelves of stock. Fast forward to today, and we've expanded significantly.

Our new warehouse and showroom in Westhampnett, Chichester, located at Unit 1K, St James' Industrial Estate, Westhampnett Rd, Chichester PO19 7JU, now accommodates over five times the stock we initially had.

This larger space not only allows us to scale up but also enables us to offer a personalised experience for our customers. We can now host in-store events, and provide hands-on training and test flights, ensuring our customers make informed decisions before purchasing their drones. It's an all-around better buying experience from start to finish.

"Our new space allows us to engage with our customers on a personal level, discussing our shared passion and showcasing our range of products and services," says Mark Boyt, Founder & CEO.

Team Growth and Vision for the Future

From a small team consisting of Mark, his eldest son Tom, and three other staff members, we've expanded to a team of eight full-time members, with many more working tirelessly behind the scenes. As our business continues to flourish, we're excited to see our dedicated team grow alongside it.

Looking ahead, we're focused on diversifying our offerings and expanding into new areas. This includes DJI enterprise sales, custom FPV services and accessories, organising industry events, and driving additional ventures such as our latest addition, Voltage Models.

Staying True to Our Mission

Despite our remarkable growth, our mission objectives remain clear and unwavering. We are committed to providing excellent customer service, promoting safety and education, and offering professional support and thorough aftercare. We take pride in exceeding our customers' expectations, as reflected in our Trustpilot Reviews.

To our loyal customers, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for joining us on this Drone Safe journey over the past four years. We're excited about the future and eager to achieve new milestones and levels of growth in the years to come.

For inquiries, contact us at Tel: 01243 859444 

Email: [email protected]

Visit us at Unit 1K, St James' Industrial Estate, Westhampnett Rd, Chichester PO19 7JU.


Drone Safe Store News