DJI Support

DJI Customer Support
Drone Safe Store is an official U.K. DJI Retailer that offers an exclusive before, during, and after-sales care package completely free of charge. You will not be stuck to your own devices when purchasing from us, and no question you have will be unanswered! We pride ourselves on our DJI Customer Support and believe we are different from other DJI Retailers. Please see our reviews here.
Buying your first drone is an extremely exciting first step into your drone journey! If you are completely new to drones you might have many questions… For example, you might be asking yourself, where can I fly? What drone do I need for what I want to do? What happens if something goes wrong with my drone? Do I need any licenses to fly? These can all be answered by calling us, emailing us, or using our live chat feature… Or better yet you can visit our store in person and meet the team! We are based in Chichester, West Sussex.
If you would like to speak to us personally you can call us at 01243 859444 or you can email us on [email protected] alternatively, you can fill out a contact form here.

We Provide The Best Customer Service
Drone Safe Store is on an everlasting mission to provide not only the best drone customer experience in the U.K but also to educate the nations future pilots on the rules, regulations and how to fly your drone safely.
We have had customers purchase from other retailers and are shocked at how they cannot get through to the customer service because they are simply not interested after they have sold you your shiny new drone. With Drone Safe Store you are in great hands we will not leave you stranded.
At Drone Safe Store we believe that educating our customers is extremely important when we sell our products. For example, many retailers would happily sell you a box with a drone in it, and then you would not hear from them after that! With us we are the complete opposite. We are always available to answer your queries. We are on live chat 7 days a week from 9am-9pm and available in person and on the phone from 9am-5:30pm Monday to Friday making it easier than ever to get in touch with us!

Customer Story
A few months ago Jim started his drone journey with us back in July and bought a Mini 2. When he first arrived in the store he had never flown a drone before but was extremely interested in getting into drones. We gave Jim the knowledge he needs to excel in his flying hobby! He now has a Flyer & Operator ID, knows where he can fly and also has some flying experience under his belt from Tom. Tom taught him how to fly the Mini 2 outside of our store premises.
His passion for drones has grown since then and he came in to the store today to upgrade to a Mavic 2 Pro! We helped him get set up and update everything and now he is on his way once again.
This is what Drone Safe Store enjoys most about dealing drones. Seeing our customers develop on their own journey. Safe flying Jim and thanks for choosing us again!

How are we better than other DJI retailers?
We are better than other DJI retailers because our service goes above and beyond what is expected. Our team of experts offer outstanding customer service, which is supported by over 1,400 5-star reviews. As you arrive at Drone Safe Store you will be welcomed with a complimentary Barista-made coffee, and have all of your questions and enquiries about our service answered with efficiency and in detail. Our brand new store also offers the UK's first Drone Flying Cage which customers of all ages and abilities are encouraged to get involved. At Drone safe store, we are extremely passionate about Drones and are always keen to help our customers and go the extra mile. We always offer the best price on our products and include free next-day delivery.